Gerontologists & Geriatricians in Upstate, SC
Geriatrics/Center for Success in Aging
255 Enterprise Blvd
Greenville SC 29615
Gerontology & Geriatricians Articles

Let There Be Mom
Kipra Anderson, founder and executive director of Let There Be Mom, said the organization’s formation is “nothing short of a God story.” She continued, “I had no experience with being […]

Grandparenting is Good for Your Health
My mother’s parents were the epitome of genteel, God-fearing country folk who eventually sold their farm “down under the hill” and retired to a charming little white bungalow just a […]

Your Favorite Holiday Memories
If there is one lesson the past year has taught us, it is that time with our loved ones is incredibly valuable. For many people, the holidays give us the […]

Bring Back Balance
Are balance disorders a big deal? You bet they are. Dr. Jeff Ladinsky, a physical therapist at CORA Physical Therapy in Spartanburg, said dizziness, along with loss of balance, is […]

Brain Boosting Practices
It’s no secret that as we age, our bodies tend to slow down. Many adults notice changes in memory, metabolism and reflexes as part of the natural process of aging, […]

Take Me Out to Fluor Field to Strike Out Parkinson’s
Every April, hundreds of people walk around Fluor Field in Greenville, but the reason has nothing to do with baseball. Sure, April marks the beginning of the baseball season for […]

A Treatment for Parkinson’s
Anyone with a family member living with Parkinson’s disease knows the signs. He or she often moves differently, almost shuffling, with gestures and actions that become smaller and slower. They […]

Facts About Colorectal Cancer
The American Cancer Society estimates that 145,600 new cases of colon or rectal cancer will be diagnosed in the United States during the current year and that the disease will […]

Diabetes in the Golden Years
As people age, it’s easy to mistake symptoms of Type 2 diabetes as simply part of the process of getting older. Increased thirst, increased urination, fatigue, poor healing of wounds […]

Slowing Down the Effects of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be a devastating time both for the person facing these illnesses and his or her loved ones. But, while troubling, this doesn’t […]
What is a Gerontologist?
A gerontologist studies the social, cultural, psychological, cognitive and biological aspects of aging adults. Geriatrics, by contrast, studies diseases of older adults. Gerontology investigates the psychological effects on aging, especially with relationships — socially and physically. They study the lifestyle change related to being an older adult and they help provide services to our ever-increasing aging population.